Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Paleo Diet: Healthy Or A Hoax?

What have you done so far to burn your fat? Did you consume health foods, starve yourself, or avoid your favorite food. This diet is based on the diet of the prehistoric man. The stuff mentioned in the system keeps your insulin levels in check and also helps you to avoid obesity and disorders like diabetes. You don’t have to take any dangerous pills, starve yourself, or do anything extreme.  The key to eliminating fat is controlling the hormones in your body. First thing you need is rest. When insulin levels are high you gain weight. When insulin levels are low your body burns fat. By staying away from certain foods you will lose weight. Grains increase insulin levels that turn food to fat. You have to replace grains with other foods that don’t increase insulin levels and that are full of carbohydrates. Stay away from stress. A stressful life causes your body to produce cortisol. What is Cortisol? It is a vital steroid hormone that influences the metabolism is secreted by the outer layer cortex, the adrenal glands. The main action is the response to increased demand for physical, mental work and resistance to stress. Causes increased breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the tissues, increasing the level of cellular metabolism. Cortisol levels that are too high result in fat production.  By getting more sleep instead of your body producing cortisol it will produce HGH. HGH hormone is secreted by the pituitary gland, a pea-sized structure at the base of the brain, and helps bone, muscle and organs grow. So by changing your diet you can achieve the results you want. For more information go to the link on the right side of the page or click this link

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